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samples() returns details about available samples, ordered by last modified dates. There are multiple tissue sample types displayed in sample_category column which are block, organ, suspension, and section.

*_columns() returns a tibble or named character vector describing the content of the tibble returned by samples(), datasets(), donors(), collections(), or publications().

sample_detail() takes a unique sample_id and returns details about one specified sample as a tibble

sample_derived() takes a unique sample_id and returns the derived dataset or/and sample details.

sample_metadata() takes a unique donor_id and returns the metadata of the sample.



samples_default_columns(as = c("tibble", "character"))


sample_derived(uuid, entity_type = c("Dataset", "Sample"))




character(1) return format. One of "tibble" (default), or "character".


character(1) corresponding to the HuBMAP Donor UUID string. This is expected to be a 32-digit hex number.


character(1) selected derived entity type. One of "Sample" or "Dataset" (default).


*_columns() returns a named list name containing the column name used in the tibble returned by samples(), datasets(), donors(), collections(), or publications(). When as = "tibble",the return value is a tibble with paths as elements and abbreviations as names.


Additional details are provided on the HuBMAP consortium webpage,

Additional details are provided on the HuBMAP consortium webpage,

Additional details are provided on the HuBMAP consortium webpage,

Additional details are provided on the HuBMAP consortium webpage,


#> # A tibble: 2,191 × 7
#>    uuid              hubmap_id donor_hubmap_id group_name last_modified_timest…¹
#>    <chr>             <chr>     <chr>           <chr>      <chr>                 
#>  1 f7b37eff8a36eb38… HBM997.B… HBM765.TRHD.452 Stanford … 2024-09-23            
#>  2 44af15225914d2b3… HBM866.F… HBM963.LXWM.598 TC - Univ… 2024-07-30            
#>  3 569fbb861c163632… HBM955.D… HBM883.LHNK.872 TC - Univ… 2024-07-30            
#>  4 509d2f22c9e9c33e… HBM944.X… HBM279.WPZP.978 Stanford … 2024-07-19            
#>  5 1367446a254479d8… HBM668.F… HBM279.WPZP.978 Stanford … 2024-07-19            
#>  6 6f700af74a252c99… HBM363.L… HBM279.WPZP.978 Stanford … 2024-07-19            
#>  7 6874561561f77469… HBM435.T… HBM279.WPZP.978 Stanford … 2024-07-19            
#>  8 038e4fcefc00f7ec… HBM595.S… HBM279.WPZP.978 Stanford … 2024-07-19            
#>  9 f0905232556b1608… HBM396.V… HBM279.WPZP.978 Stanford … 2024-07-19            
#> 10 1cfe67afe97094ac… HBM355.M… HBM279.WPZP.978 Stanford … 2024-07-19            
#> # ℹ 2,181 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​last_modified_timestamp
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: sample_category <chr>, organ <chr>
#> # A tibble: 7 × 1
#>   columns                
#>   <chr>                  
#> 1 uuid                   
#> 2 hubmap_id              
#> 3 group_name             
#> 4 sample_category        
#> 5 organ                  
#> 6 last_modified_timestamp
#> 7 donor_hubmap_id        

uuid <- "d3525d35f6d5ee3dc3186613b0ab1762"
#> # A tibble: 1 × 25
#>   ancestor_ids ancestors  created_by_user_displayname created_by_user_email
#>   <list>       <list>     <chr>                       <chr>                
#> 1 <chr [3]>    <list [3]> Marda Jorgensen           
#> # ℹ 21 more variables: created_timestamp <dbl>, data_access_level <chr>,
#> #   descendant_ids <list>, descendants <list>, display_subtype <chr>,
#> #   donor <list>, entity_type <chr>, group_name <chr>, group_uuid <chr>,
#> #   hubmap_id <chr>, immediate_ancestor_ids <list>,
#> #   immediate_descendant_ids <list>, index_version <chr>,
#> #   lab_tissue_sample_id <chr>, last_modified_timestamp <dbl>,
#> #   origin_samples <list>, protocol_url <chr>, rui_location <chr>, …
uuid <- "3e7dc14313262af577f686dcb09f5119"
sample_derived(uuid, "Sample")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#>   uuid                             organ
#>   <chr>                            <chr>
#> 1 63ef1040ae30473778dc4bd2f2749fe3 Brain
uuid <- "8d7ce3aab7013e416263d23b0c048900"
#> # A tibble: 9 × 2
#>   Key                   Value                                                   
#>   <chr>                 <chr>                                                   
#> 1 donor.Age             "54 years"                                              
#> 2 donor.Body Mass Index "53.06 kg/m2"                                           
#> 3 donor.Cause of Death  "Anoxia "                                               
#> 4 donor.Height          "157.48 cm"                                             
#> 5 donor.Medical History "Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus ; Hypertension ; Asthma ; Chr…
#> 6 donor.Race            "Black or African American "                            
#> 7 donor.Sex             "Female "                                               
#> 8 donor.Social History  "Smoker ; Illicit drug use "                            
#> 9 donor.Weight          "131.6 kg"