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collections() returns details about available collections, ordered by last modified dates

*_columns() returns a tibble or named character vector describing the content of the tibble returned by samples(), datasets(), donors(), collections(), or publications().

collection_contacts() takes a unique collection_id and returns contacts information of one specified collection as a tibble

collection_data() takes a unique collection_id and returns related datasets of one specified collection as a tibble

collection_contributors() takes a unique collection_id and returns contributors information of one specified collection as a tibble



collections_default_columns(as = c("tibble", "character"))






character(1) return format. One of "tibble" (default), or "character".


character(1) corresponding to the HuBMAP Collection UUID string. This is expected to be a 32-digit hex number.


*_columns() returns a named list name containing the column name used in the tibble returned by samples(), datasets(), donors(), collections(), or publications(). When as = "tibble",the return value is a tibble with paths as elements and abbreviations as names.


Additional details are provided on the HuBMAP consortium webpage,

Additional details are provided on the HuBMAP consortium webpage,

Additional details are provided on the HuBMAP consortium webpage,

Additional details are provided on the HuBMAP consortium webpage,


#> # A tibble: 18 × 4
#>    uuid                             hubmap_id       last_modified_timest…¹ title
#>    <chr>                            <chr>           <chr>                  <chr>
#>  1 3ae4ddfc175d768af5526a010bfe95aa HBM585.QPDV.454 2023-03-27             "Spa…
#>  2 074df152c7d3dc2e09ec2400e947bc0c HBM692.JRZB.356 2022-10-27             "Hig…
#>  3 c87fa4ec3aa87af19a9ad29d2e2b4c5c HBM776.RGSW.867 2022-09-02             "\"A…
#>  4 34b068d4a926f77fd98b3d968b6c172f HBM426.WQXQ.244 2022-04-20             "Hum…
#>  5 4964d24bbc6668a72c4cbb5e0393a6bc HBM925.SGXL.596 2021-05-19             "HuB…
#>  6 4b87c7596e1f4b4443612862fc562ff1 HBM748.JFJF.982 2020-09-28             "Mul…
#>  7 eb063a0ed8a68117b17345415ab4dd3c HBM554.MXBG.848 2020-09-28             "Mul…
#>  8 a320abcf56241be2e5e453401efeaaf3 HBM556.TLMK.545 2020-09-28             "Mul…
#>  9 6a6efd0c1a2681dc7d2faab8e4ab0bca HBM876.XNRH.336 2020-09-28             "Mul…
#> 10 3695ab25f42ee161fd05e75c4688847e HBM496.TWCK.764 2020-09-28             "Mul…
#> 11 90399057f6ff0ff18d4c46a378f0b069 HBM789.JXCT.358 2020-09-28             "Mul…
#> 12 590b0485a196956284b8f3344276bc50 HBM524.VZTB.679 2020-09-28             "Mul…
#> 13 c747e19eb2667a3dca96a38a8dd562c5 HBM965.NVDC.564 2020-09-28             "Mul…
#> 14 e9ef358a160a32294aa8dbe3f3c09297 HBM237.XGGL.844 2020-09-28             "Mul…
#> 15 36a64b1b9a02b11e3f55ea84e6d3203a HBM427.DBBN.329 2020-09-28             "Mul…
#> 16 117c31327191f720e26b901e58a1f68b HBM284.FSBD.955 2020-09-28             "Mul…
#> 17 6006923624c4745cbee806a331aaff54 HBM273.THFN.643 2020-09-28             "Mul…
#> 18 381f65e58d5e2c1d16a9cef2cc203aab HBM289.PCBM.487 2020-09-28             "Mul…
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​last_modified_timestamp
#> # A tibble: 4 × 1
#>   columns                
#>   <chr>                  
#> 1 uuid                   
#> 2 hubmap_id              
#> 3 title                  
#> 4 last_modified_timestamp

uuid <- "381f65e58d5e2c1d16a9cef2cc203aab"
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#>   name                 affiliation           orcid_id           
#>   <chr>                <chr>                 <chr>              
#> 1 Jeffrey M. Spraggins Vanderbilt University 0000-0001-9198-5498
uuid <- "381f65e58d5e2c1d16a9cef2cc203aab"
#> # A tibble: 4 × 7
#>   uuid      hubmap_id dataset_type_additio…¹ dataset_type last_modified_timest…²
#>   <chr>     <chr>     <chr>                  <chr>        <chr>                 
#> 1 a11fe9d1… HBM592.J… AF                     Auto-fluore… 2022-02-12            
#> 2 6e7ba37f… HBM525.D… MALDI-IMS-pos          MALDI        2022-02-12            
#> 3 484b359a… HBM264.X… PAS                    Histology    2024-08-08            
#> 4 60ed8e03… HBM253.W… MALDI-IMS-neg          MALDI        2022-02-12            
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹​dataset_type_additional_information,
#> #   ²​last_modified_timestamp
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: status <chr>, organ <chr>
uuid <- "590b0485a196956284b8f3344276bc50"
#> # A tibble: 16 × 3
#>    name                   affiliation                    orcid_id           
#>    <chr>                  <chr>                          <chr>              
#>  1 Elizabeth K. Neumann   Vanderbilt University          0000-0002-6078-3321
#>  2 Nathan Heath Patterson Vanderbilt University          0000-0002-0064-1583
#>  3 David M.G. Anderson    Vanderbilt University          0000-0002-3866-0923
#>  4 Kavya Sharman          Vanderbilt University          0000-0002-3487-7199
#>  5 Lukasz Migas           Delft University of Technology 0000-0002-1884-6405
#>  6 Jamie L. Allen         Vanderbilt University          0000-0002-4739-2166
#>  7 Maya Brewer            Vanderbilt University          0000-0001-5914-0081
#>  8 Jennifer Harvey        Vanderbilt University          0000-0003-3067-1238
#>  9 Haichun Yang           Vanderbilt University          0000-0003-4265-7492
#> 10 Raymond C. Harris      Vanderbilt University          0000-0001-8025-0883
#> 11 Agnes B. Fogo          Vanderbilt University          0000-0003-3698-8527
#> 12 Mark deCaestecker      Vanderbilt University          0000-0001-7926-1673
#> 13 Danielle B. Gutierrez  Vanderbilt University          0000-0001-6355-2134
#> 14 Richard M. Caprioli    Vanderbilt University          0000-0001-5859-3310
#> 15 Raf Van de Plas        Delft University of Technology 0000-0002-2232-7130
#> 16 Jeffrey M. Spraggins   Vanderbilt University          0000-0001-9198-5498