returns details about available samples,
ordered by last modified dates.
publication_status == TRUE
: peer reviewed publication;
publication_status == FALSE
: pre-print publication.
returns a tibble or named
character vector describing the content of the tibble returned
by samples()
, datasets()
, donors()
, collections()
or publications()
takes a unique publication_id and
returns details about one specified publication as a tibble
takes a unique publication_id and
returns details about one specified publication.
takes a unique publication_id and
returns authors information of one specified collection as a tibble
returns a named list name
containing the column name used in the tibble returned by
, datasets()
, donors()
, or publications()
When as = "tibble"
,the return value is a tibble
with paths as elements and abbreviations as names.
Additional details are provided on the HuBMAP consortium webpage,
Additional details are provided on the HuBMAP consortium webpage,
Additional details are provided on the HuBMAP consortium webpage,
#> # A tibble: 9 × 7
#> uuid hubmap_id last_modified_timest…¹ publication_date publication_status
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 77ab3588… HBM222.S… 2023-07-18 2023-07-20 TRUE
#> 2 aea510e3… HBM332.M… 2023-07-18 2022-10-24 TRUE
#> 3 2ced91fd… HBM885.X… 2023-07-18 2024-09-27 TRUE
#> 4 e8338966… HBM695.W… 2023-07-18 2023-07-19 TRUE
#> 5 dd0e7aea… HBM599.D… 2023-07-18 2023-07-19 TRUE
#> 6 3c727366… HBM629.D… 2023-07-18 2023-07-19 TRUE
#> 7 0de8528c… HBM473.R… 2023-07-18 2023-07-19 TRUE
#> 8 eb975811… HBM464.W… 2023-07-18 2023-07-19 TRUE
#> 9 72cbeb8f… HBM222.Z… 2023-07-18 2023-07-19 TRUE
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹last_modified_timestamp
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: publication_venue <chr>, title <chr>
#> # A tibble: 7 × 1
#> columns
#> <chr>
#> 1 uuid
#> 2 hubmap_id
#> 3 title
#> 4 publication_venue
#> 5 last_modified_timestamp
#> 6 publication_date
#> 7 publication_status
uuid <- "2ced91fd6d543e79af90313e52ada57d"
#> # A tibble: 1 × 38
#> ancestor_ids ancestors contacts contains_human_genetic_sequ…¹ contributors
#> <list> <list> <list> <lgl> <list>
#> 1 <chr [12]> <list [12]> <list [1]> FALSE <list [6]>
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹contains_human_genetic_sequences
#> # ℹ 33 more variables: created_by_user_displayname <chr>,
#> # created_by_user_email <chr>, created_timestamp <dbl>,
#> # creation_action <chr>, data_access_level <chr>, data_types <list>,
#> # dataset_type <chr>, descendant_ids <list>, descendants <list>,
#> # description <chr>, display_subtype <chr>, donor <list>, entity_type <chr>,
#> # group_name <chr>, group_uuid <chr>, hubmap_id <chr>, …
uuid <- "3c7273660cdf9ab91a7901533b2cd9a5"
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#> dataset_type uuid
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 RNAseq 00d9d4bf8b010eaa6fca4361476cd2ad
uuid <- "3c7273660cdf9ab91a7901533b2cd9a5"
#> # A tibble: 50 × 3
#> name affiliation orcid_id
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Blue B. Lake Department of Bioengineering, University of C… 0000-00…
#> 2 Rajasree Menon Department of Computational Medicine and Bioi… 0000-00…
#> 3 Seth Winfree Department of Pathology and Microbiology, Uni… 0000-00…
#> 4 Qiwen Hu Department of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard… 0000-00…
#> 5 Ricardo Melo Ferreira Department of Medicine, Indiana University Sc… 0000-00…
#> 6 Kian Kalhor Department of Bioengineering, University of C… 0000-00…
#> 7 Daria Barwinska Department of Medicine, Indiana University Sc… 0000-00…
#> 8 Edgar A. Otto Department of Internal Medicine, Division of … 0000-00…
#> 9 Michael Ferkowicz Department of Medicine, Indiana University Sc… 0000-00…
#> 10 Dinh Diep Department of Bioengineering, University of C… 0000-00…
#> # ℹ 40 more rows